With school in full swing, work, church, and driving endlessly to and from home, we are all pooped! This past weekend we took a break and went to Leavenworth to join a group of our fellow church families to camp from Friday to Monday. We packed up the camper, cleaned up the house (in case of a showing) and headed out. We even left only 30 minutes be

hind schedule and were on the road before dark. For those of you who have ever taken a trip with us, you know that is history!
On Friday at about 9:30 pm we headed up the last stretch(and the highest) over Steven's Pass. About 6 or 7 miles from the top we started losing our dashboard lights, then went the headlights, and at about one mile from top, people started flashing their lights on and off at us. Whew! We made it to the top where it was approximately 31 degrees. We sat and laughed and talked about how cold it would be until we came up with the plan to call for help. There was no way we were even going to head down the hill with no brakes.
Soon our rescue party arrived(Thanks Dan, Lane, Dave St.M, and Loren). We piled in and got warm while the guys attached our camper to Lane's truck. The next day some other helpers(Thanks Phil and Travis) went and helped David replace the alternator and battery. Yippeee!!! It worked.
Saturday allowed the kids and I fishing, lunch, more fishing, and lots of around the fire visiting. Sunday was enjoyed with worship, shopping, more fishing and more campfire. We had so much fun. We counted 4o something people at the campsite. Wow!

We even assembled a brave snipe hunting party.
This weekend the weather stayed around 50 to 60 degrees during the day and really chilly at night. The leaves are turning in Washington, the weather is turning colder, and the cold is here to stay. I bet some of the next photos posted are SNOW! Keep in tune.